Save PPS-SF! Help Restore our City Funding

Fight to save funding for SF families! Act by Aug 17

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Please join our fight to restore city funding to our organization! As of June 30, 2020 PPS-SF has NO major funding from the City of San Francisco.

We need you, public school families and supporters, to reach out to the City's decision-makers and let them know that our work is critical in San Francisco! Without city funding we’ll have a funding gap of close of $200,000 this year. Your voice is our best chance to restore this funding!

We’re astonished that we need to advocate for ourselves yet again - especially in a year when families need PPS-SF the most, we’re struggling to gain the city’s support. As a small organization, we rely on diverse sources of funding, however, city funding remains critical in light of the challenges of COVID-19. 

Losing this money will result in losing our ability to help thousands of families like yours!  Did you know that since March we helped over 1,500 caregivers one-on-one in English, Spanish and Chinese as they navigated COVID-related challenges such as distance learning, enrollment, and socio-emotional well being. We also conducted wellness checks and referrals for our families most in need.

We ask that you act quickly, without this support our services may be cut up to 50% - here’s how you can help:

1. Sign our petition. The more signatures we collect, the stronger our collective voice will be heard by the City. *Please note that PPS-SF will not share your contact information, such as email, with any outside organizations or individuals.*

2. Forward this email and post on social media!

SAVE PPS-SF! Take 30 sec to sign our petition to avoid a funding gap of $200k to the PPS-SF budget. Thank you!

3. Send an email to your Supervisor and the Mayor and urge them to restore our funding. We’ve made it easy for you, just use this email template

4. Prefer the phone? Call your Supervisor and tell them why PPS-SF deserves city funding. Use our phone call script as a guide.

Don’t know your District? Use your address to look it up here.

District 1- Sandra Lee Fewer (415) 554-7410

District 2 - Catherine Stefani (415) 554-7752

District 3 - Aaron Peskin (415) 554-7450

District 4 - Gordon Mar (415) 554-7460

District 5 - Dean Preston (415) 554-7630

District 6 - Matt Haney (415) 554-7970

District 7 - Norman Yee (415) 554-6516

District 8 - Rafael Mandelman (415) 554-6968

District 9 - Hillary Ronen (415) 554-5144

District 10 - Shamann Walton (415) 554-7670

District 11 - Ahsha Safai (415) 554-6975

Mayor London Breed - (415) 554-6141

Thank you for your support!