Election Day is Here!

Are you registered to vote? Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco was honored to host an SFUSD Board Candidate Forum in October, where we learned that your voices need to be heard is heard. While we are holding the space for your opinions and priorities to be heard, we are also encouraging you to get out to vote in this crucial upcoming election. 

If you are not sure if you are registered, you can check the website MyVoterStatus or call their hotline at 800-345-VOTE. It can be confusing for a noncitizen, but there are some options for voting, and they are worth checking out. California passed a law allowing non-citizens to vote but the law has not been fully legal yet. Undocumented people are allowed to vote in School Board Elections in San Francisco however. Let's do all we can to stand up for our children, our neighbors, and our city! 

Do you have a plan for Election Day, November 8th? Whether you take time off work to go to the polls in person or have submitted a mail-in ballot, we look forward to celebrating as a city, state, and nation when ballot measures and people are elected who will represent all our voices 


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