Short-Term Independent Study for Students Sent Home

Since the start of COVID-19, parents have had to reshape their schedules to accommodate for the changes life in a pandemic has brought. As a result, SFUSD provides Short-Term Independent Study for students who miss school due to situations like COVID-19 quarantine or isolation.

What is Short-Term Independent Study?

This program allows students to continue learning remotely under the supervision of their regularly scheduled teacher. This program is only designed to provide temporary instruction for a maximum of 15 school days.

Who qualifies for Short Term Independent Study?

The student needs to be in one of the following circumstances:

  1. Students who are required by health to isolate and quarantine.

  2. Students who are waiting to obtain enrollment in 2021-2022 Online Learning Programs (for either Online Learning Program (OLP) or On Demand Learning Program (ODLP).

  3. A temporary disability or illness that prevents the student from attending school.

  4. A death in the family or other family emergency that requires the student to travel.

How is this different from online learning programs offered by SFUSD?

The Short-Term Independent Study is a temporary instruction offering that only lasts for a limited period of time (15 days). This program is available to students on an as-needed basis. 

How will attendance be handled and will a student become marked absent during the duration of the program?

The students who meet the criteria and are participating in the Short-Term Independent Study will be marked as an excused absence with an attendance code “Z” while they actively participate in short-term independent study. Once they return to school in-person, check with the attendance clerk at your child’s school to revise the attendance code once your student’s work is submitted. The clerk will either change it to “Y” if the work is complete or “I” if the work is incomplete.

For more information about how to sign up for the Short-Term Independent Study, please visit the SFUSD website at: