Return to School Safely Resolution

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On November 10th, the Return to School Safely Resolution was presented to families, educators, and SFUSD community members at the Board of Education (BOE) meeting. The resolution was created by Commissioner Lam and Commissioner Lopez with the intent to advocate for continued work in planning for school reopening. The resolution engages the entire community to combine efforts and establish the resources needed to reopen schools safely. The long term plan that is presented in the resolution is comparable to the district wide plan with only a few slight alterations. The resolution encompasses safety measures and clear directive for administration. With this resolution, Superintendent Matthews is asked to present a solid reopening plan for elementary students on December 8th, 2020. He will then present a solid time frame for middle and high school students in January 2021. In the resolution, commissioners ask for the first cohort of students (TK-1 and students with disabilities) to begin in-person instruction and services no later than January 25th, 2020.

In the BOE meeting on November 17th, the Return to School Safely Resolution was amended and board members voted on passing the resolution. Before the BOE moved into voting, a few changes were made by Commissioner Lam: Any survey sent to families concerning the return to in-person instruction will include detailed information about the district’s plan. Additionally, there will be work groups established to monitor the plan that will include administrators, union representatives, and several parent advisory council groups. There was also an amendment added to the resolution: District staff will work with public health experts including the SF Department of Public Health to establish clear standards for social distancing, ventilation and testing. This amendment also includes adding a staff position that reports directly to the board, under the title, “Strategic Policy and Project Manager.” BOE Commissioners voted to pass the Return to School Safely Resolution with the added amendment. 

To read the resolution, in English, click here.

To read the resolution, in Spanish, click here.

To read the resolution, in Chinese, click here.

To take a look at the added amendment (English only), click here.

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